Sunday, November 16, 2008

weight woes

it's not terrible right now, but last week I appear to have gained 3 kilos in 3 days; it was some of my most productive NaNoWriMo writing days. So then I tried different things. Like writing in bed so I didn't feel the need to eat all the time I was writing (or maybe that was the week before). 

I had bought some new clothes that I needed for occasions here, and of course now I'm feeling like a stuffed something-or-other in the clothes, which fit perfectly when I bought them (German size 46 - so excellent to find out a size I am and go to a store and try things on in that size and have them fit! now of course no longer relevant).

What to do what to do. Working on it.


elena said...

Fantastic to catch up with you, Marie, to read about the poetry group, the jigs and jogs and word counts. I'm going to go watch that German class You Tube video, and I thank you for your devotion to our entertainment! I really wish I could ride a train with you to a coffeehouse where you and a bunch of other women hammer away at your laptops. Sounds like you are making some great connections: so glad.

NaPoMarie said...

Elenabella darling, it is now the next Saturday, November 22nd, and I caught up completely on my word count on Thursday but yesterday, Friday, wrote not at all, so today I mut go back at it. Trying to decide whether to ride that train to the hammering ladies again or stay here and save two (2!!!) hours of my time. I think I'll ride the train, especially if I get some writing done at home this morning before chopping veggies for a Persian Shirazi salad (zero points!) and a Persian mast-o-khiar (cukes, yogurt - very few points) for dinner tonight. Vish me gluck! Thanks for writing.