Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Happiness Project

So I still don't know how to paste links into this blog, but maybe in a minute I'll type in one or two. I just wanted to say that I occasionally follow Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project (on the online Slate magazine, or in e-mails she sends me once a month).

Today she had a post about keeping connected with your past. Especially timely because Sheldon just visited, but I thought also a wonderful impetus anyway.


And also in that post there was a link to an older post, about keeping a one-sentence journal. Sounds like a wonderful idea! One sentence a day. Her point is: it is SO manageable. And over time it really adds up to something you can look back at. 


[And wow: now I can suddenly paste in links after all! Watch out - I may be putting in enormous numbers of them from now on. I'll try to chill.]


Gretchen Rubin said...

Hi hoping for better things,
I saw the nice mention of my blog, "The Happiness Project" here. I very much appreciate those kind words and you shining a spotlight on my blog. Thanks and best wishes,
Gretchen Rubin

NaPoMarie said...

Thanks for writing, Gretchen Rubin!

Actually, it was kind of exciting and a little freaky for me that you read this - I guess you probably have programs that find things like this on the web - but anyway, I'm a big fan of your project.