A while ago, he told me that every day, he tries to do all of these things:
- practice his 'cello
- get some exercise
- work on a current project (sometimes it's a translation, sometimes it's research on a biblical topic or a Greek or Hebrew word)
- do personal Bible study
(Daddy, I think I have the last two right).
The point is, there are very different pieces to the day and it matters to get them all in.
Yesterday, I had a wonderful hourlong walk with my two Weight Watcher buddies, then a very good Weight Watcher meeting (suffused in the rosy glow of my having weighed in at 1.3 kilos less than the previous week). I also worked in my office on the current editorial project (813 pages I have to get done in 7 weeks) for about maybe 4 or 5 hours total? (half an hour before Weight Watchers, two hours between Weight Watchers and Felix coming home from school, two more hours in the late afternoon)
I also ran some errands while walking home from Weight Watchers, and went into very different kinds of stores and saw and talked to different people there. I had a nice time at home with Felix in the middle of the day when he came home from school. In the evening we had a neighbor/friend/colleague of hubby's here for a couple of hours whom we like very much - it was nice to have him though I felt a little stressed for time.
Then we got the apartment a little ready for mother-in-law (coming tonight). Some online Scrabble, some chatting in front of the TV which was showing things about the Third Reich [my sudden thought: what other country has anything like this, a time period in the history which so completely dominates and overshadows every other time period ever - hubby pointed out maybe Civil War in the U.S. and that certainly goes in the direction but not, absolutely not, to this degree] - and off to bed.
One thing I really wanted to do yesterday but didn't was practice the guitar.
One thing I really ought to have done yesterday but didn't (didn't want to, but should have): look at bills due, pay them, pay my estimated taxes that were due April 15th . . .
Still, a varied day, and therefore a good day, and thank you, Daddy!
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